Friday, February 6, 2009

One more...

I went to see the doctor this week about "Cinco" ~ our fifth little one on the way. Turns out the ultrasound tech. could tell what gender the baby now we know! We've never found out before, so this is all new and exciting for Nate and I. It's weird too.

Before I spill the beans on what this baby is, I have a small disclaimer. IF you know my parents, or my children, please do not mention what this baby is. Neither my mom, dad nor my four children want to know what we're having. As my kids put it..."It's like our Christmas presents...we don't want to know so we don't ruin the surprise!!"

With that in mind, we're having......a boy. Yes. Another boy. Which is totally fabulous....when I told Nate (over the phone) his response was a big "Wooo Hooo!" It makes me laugh to think that our daughter, who will be sandwiched btwn 4 brothers is definitely a miracle in our household. What were the chances??

That's the big news around here this week. And my doc. moved my due date two weeks closer...which would normally be good news but I've planned the rest of our school year to the last day and I need till June 5th to get it all done. Cinco needs to be late. If he'll cooperate, I'd like him to come June 6th. Again, what are the chances??


  1. ooh!! am i the first to know? am i ? am i? i am so excited!! yippee!! congratulations, my dear friend. fun, fun fun. crazy momma you are. love ya.

  2. Cinco is a great name! Congratulations I'm sure the boys will be thrilled and Kylie will be a little down that she does not have a sister. who knows maybe she'll love it to?
    You might have to get a sub teacher... In homeschooling does that mena Nate has to do it?

  3. a boy! Yay!! Kylie will have a lot of brothers to protect her!!
    We are having a boy too, but could actually tell at the ultrasound before they told us...I was really amazed that I could tell, seeing as with the first one I wasn't sure what was the head and what was the body! :)
    Congrats...yay, babies!
