Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Potty Training

First of all, I want to say that I went to bed last night (at 9:38 pm after falling asleep in the living room listening to a sermon...that'll do it.) in good time and had a full night's rest. Thanks for asking and thanks to Big Liver Girl for her comments on yesterdays post that had me laughing aloud.

I started potty training Jack yesterday. It's not working. I have a serious shortage of paper towel in the house. I do believe boys are harder to train than girls. He likes the candy, the stickers and the "woo hoo" every time he sits on the potty but he doesn't like to go. It's day 1 and I'm already re-thinking this. We bought 3 pairs of Curious George underwear for him yesterday and within the first hour of putting them on, all 3 pairs were in the laundry basket. We also have a serious shortage of size 2 underwear around here. Where are the little quilted looking ones that you used to be able to find ~ the "training pants"?? Anyone know where to get those? I don't want to buy pull-ups...they're just diapers that are hard to get on and off.

So that's it for today -- we biked to the library. Jack had a fit when I told him he couldn't play in the water fountain. We left with a soaking wet 2 year old and about 26 books.

I told you this blog could be boring...

1 comment:

  1. Boring? not at all... very exciting stuff where else would you hear about quilted underpants?

    Bedtime starts at night not in the evening you need to stay up later. oh and another thing. sleeping material I know the best. search for the 'lake wobegon news'
