Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just one.

I am happy to announce that there is only ONE baby in the womb. Due to the amount of growth I have already attained, I was a bit nervous. Turns out it wasn't a second baby but just the amount of food I have consumed of late...which isn't all that reassuring.

The tech was able to tell the gender of the babe, so at my next appointment, I might just find out. May be. But I'm not sure. As for the epidural, I might just give that a go as well. May be I could get it next week and just be numb for the next 6 months??

1 comment:

  1. Well that is good news. never mind that is well or the important growth measurements at this stage. Just that there is only 1!
    oh on the pain thing if you would really like to do something different go for the water birth. we and by we I mean Tara were going to go for one of those in a new swanky maternity ward back in Norn Iron but that seemed to get quickly put aside in favour of the epidural. But it is meant to be a much more natural form of combating the slight sting of child birth. oh and my word verifcation is 'cooma' which I spelt wrong and now have 'picklit'
