Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's lunch time right now as I'm typing and I have to admit that I hate lunch time. I hate it only because I never know what to make for lunch. I have a list of about 4 things I make, it seems.
Soup and crackers.
Kraft dinner of some sort.
Bagels and cream cheese.
Veggies, dip, meat, cheese....an array of scraps from the fridge, basically.

So this week I've tried to really kick it up a notch. It's really pathetic. Here's the new fancy version of lunch.
Soup and home-made bread.
Pillsbury crescent rolls with ham and cheese rolled in them.

Wow. I know. You think I'm just a wild and crazy cook. But you see, that is why I'm writing on this. Please, please, for the sake of my family, send me some new, tasty, creative and EASY ideas for lunch. We're dying here....


  1. Kay, don't ask what my kids have been eating lately...but BEFORE when I USED to be a good mother this is some regulars round these here parts...

    -Hummus and pita breads, I just put them whole on a baking sheet in the oven. When done, kids break them up into pieces and dip them in homemade hummus. Served with veggies to dip in there as well and hard boiled eggs.(they don't dip those..yuck)

    -tortillas. They can be used to wrap anything. Simple tuna mixed with mayo and snipped gr.onion, leftover chicken and ranch dressing,even peanut butter wrapped around a banana.
    We also will throw them on a baking sheet, spoon on some pizza sauce and throw on some bacon, chopped deli meat, and cheese and bake in the oven. Thin crust pizza in under 10 min.

    -If I make a pasta dish for supper its no big deal to throw 2 to 3extra cups of dry pasta in the pot and put that aside for lunch during the week. Then I just throw that in some broth with leftover veggies(or frozen) for a quick soup or it takes a couple of min. just to dump it into a bowl with some mayo, snipped green onion and chopped hardboiled eggs.(quick tuna pasta salad)

    -spaghetti soup. Any leftover spaghetti from dinner(with the meat sauce all mixed up with it) I chop up, throw into a pot with a couple cans of tomato soup.

    Things I keep on hand always:

    -homemade bread made in the breadmaker is always a staple here because one loaf always fills hungry growing boys.

    -hummus, I have an easy recipe I make in the blender and it keeps in the fridge well. (if ya want it let me know)

    -a big bowl of hard boiled eggs. I boil a dozen at a time.

    -I keep everything..all leftover bits of meat, chopped onion, tomato whatever. It always gets used in some way for lunches during the week and makes my prep quick and easy.

    -I use my food processor and shred up a block of mozza and cheddar at a time and store in big zip locks in freezer or fridge.

    -bag of that real bacon pieces stuff.

    -muffin mixes

    Anything I serve for lunch goes on the table with cut up veggies, and fruit.(only way that I can fill them)and sometimes yogurt if they didn't have that for breakfast.

    Anyway, hope some of this helps. I am feeling guilty right now and am going to go make my kids lunch. :)

  2. Wow...this post makes me feel better...i thought I was the only one with a limited lunch menu. We eat a lot of Peanut butter here....however, I don't feel SO bad because I get the all natural sugar free stuff. I also make avocado/sprout sandwiches on sprouted bread..I realize most people won't go for that, but it is delicious. I tend to keep breakfast and lunch uncooked for two reasons, you tend to eat more produce that way, and it's easier. Than I plan a nice, warm cooked meal for dinner. Often I will just start pulling out stuff from my fridge and putting them on a section tray (check out my facebook notes..i have a picture of my beloved section plate)...kids love those...lol.

  3. I loved reading "kraft dinner", I forgot that's what you call it there!
