Monday, January 11, 2010


I've finally decided on my new year's resolutions for 2010. I know, I know, it's January 11th, but it took me a while to decide what exactly I was resolved to do.

Now I don't do any high and lofty type of resolutions. No sireee. They just don't get done. But if I keep it practical, fun, and interesting, I am far more likely to achieve it. Last year one of my resolutions was to keep on top of the laundry situation here. Turns out I did it. Except for when we came home from holidays or weekends away, I did NOT have a mountain of laundry to deal with for the entire year. The key to my success? Do laundry all day, every day. Keep those machines running. For sure I do two loads a day. I also gave up separating whites from darks. Most things are colour-fast these days anyhow. And in 365 days, I never once pulled a once-white t-shirt that was now pink out of my dryer. (I did however pull out an entire load of orange streaked laundry.....turns out Jack put an orange crayon in his pocket and I didn't notice till after it had melted all over the clothes in the dryer.)

So...that one worked. So many choices for 2010. Would it be about exercise?? Nahh. Sounds painful. Would it be about eating right? Nah. Sounds....tasteless. How about it be about eating well? As in....more butter. More sugar. More white flour?? Nahh....sounds like next years resolution would be about weight loss.

Drum roll BIG new years resolution for 2010 is: try new recipes. Lots and lots of new recipes. My initial goal was 24 new recipes over the year. That's only 2 a month. So...I've pumped it up to 4 per month.
So far so good. I've tried 4 new ones already and it's only the second week of January.
I've tried:
French Onion Soup ~ so good. It's from Cooks Illustrated magazine.
Salsa Chicken ~ yum. It's a keeper.
Cream Peas ~ sounds weird but I love and this one got high ratings. It's cooking on the stove right now, so I'll let you know.
Best Baked Pork Chops - Cooks Illustrated again.

AND...I learned to make Chicken Petrograd and French Silk Pie this past weekend. They should really count too. So now I'm up to six. Not bad. 42 to go. If you've got any really good ones, send them my way!

Time to go....the timer is dinging...peas are ready!


  1. Ohhh, I've got PLENTY of recipes for you!! I think that is an admirable resolution, one with many benefits and few, if any, negatives. I'll get them to you through Facebook!

  2. Sounds like a good resolution!

    I love to cook, but unfortunately everything that I like to cook is mostly bad for you.

    Maybe healthy cooking should be my new years resolution...never mind.

  3. If you are looking for any weird, raw vegan strange recipes, I'm your go-to girl...if you dare that

  4. oh yum! blog them all oh please oh please! i love your food!
