Sunday, October 19, 2008


We had company this weekend. All weekend. It was super fun and super busy but my house is super small for 6 children + 4 adults for a weekend.

The friends that came down are the friends we hadn't seen in 2 years that I had blogged about ages ago...and again our visit was so good. We fit a lot in -- some shopping, a hike, a visit to that darned place called Apple Land (which we now call Appleless Land because they sold us bags for $13.50 so we could go fill them up with apples and there were NO apples on the trees whatsoever!! As if!), the guys replaced the brakes on Nate's truck, church, playing and making candy apples.

It was a great weekend. And here I sit on the Sunday night...thinking about the laundry and cleaning I should be doing but can't. I just can't. I'm tired. I'm ready for bed at 8:17 pm. I know that I will have that "morning after" feeling tomorrow when I wake up and have to start scrubbing, laundering, dusting, sorting, washing and putting away.

But was it worth it? Of course it was...what would life be if I had just a clean house and nobody but me to enjoy it? Hmmm....that actually sounds sorta good right now...if you throw in a Dairy Milk bar and a good book I might reconsider.


  1. Oh, don't I know the "morning after" feeling when going to bed with a household of dirt....but right now, I'm going to have the "morning-after-three-months" feeling when I can finally pull myself off the couch without puking after first trimester. Seriously, where the heck is that dish fairy??

    btw-I hope you got your money back for your empty bag of apples!

  2. I bet you wish you could get a real dairy milk bar!
    The chocolate in this country is poor, it has a dusty waxy feel/taste!
    Ah well you get have everything and what did you think Apples grew on Trees? For that kinda a price I reckon that is the closest you'll ever get to a money tree!! and it ain't yours!
