Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Nephew!

Early this morning, my sister-in-law, Christine, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! We were just out for dinner with them last night and went home early because she was having regular contractions. I knew she was going into the hospital about 11 pm and so had many dreams through out the night of what/who she was giving birth to. ( The best one was that she did have a boy but they named him Trick, but wanted us to call him Twig. I tried to tell them that it was a bad name choice but she would hear nothing of it! )

Turns out at 4 am she actually gave birth to an 8 lb. 4 oz. baby boy, and they named him Hudson.

Mom and baby are doing great!!

Can't wait till it's my turn...


  1. Twig! I laughed outloud at that!

    Yay- and I am excited for you, too- how much longer??

  2. give our congrats and love to them! you're next, chickie!!
